Java Modifiers: Controlling Access and Behavior in Java


In Java, modifiers are keywords that you add to those definitions to change their behaviors. The two main categories of modifiers in Java are access modifiers and non-access modifiers. Access modifiers control the visibility of classes, fields, methods, and constructors. Non-access modifiers provide other functionalities, such as indicating that a method cannot be overridden or a variable not modified. This article dives deep into understanding both types of modifiers and their impact on Java programming.

Understanding Access Modifiers

Access modifiers determine who can access certain classes, methods, or fields. There are four types:

  1. Private: The member can only be accessed within its own class.
  2. Default (no modifier): The member is accessible within the same package.
  3. Protected: The member can be accessed within the same package or by subclasses.
  4. Public: The member can be accessed from any other class.

Example of Access Modifiers

public class Car {
    private int year;
    double speed;  // Default access
    protected double mileage;
    public String model;

    // Constructor
    public Car(String model, int year) {
        this.model = model;
        this.year = year;

Understanding Non-access Modifiers

Non-access modifiers do not control access levels, but rather provide other functionalities:

  1. Static: Belongs to the class, rather than instances of the class.
  2. Final: Prevents the value of variables from changing, methods from being overridden, or classes from being subclassed.
  3. Abstract: Cannot be used to instantiate and must be subclassed by other classes.
  4. Synchronized: Prevents multiple threads from executing a method or block on the same object simultaneously.
  5. Volatile: Indicates that a variable’s value will be modified by different threads.

Examples of Non-access Modifiers

public class Example {
    public static final int VALUE = 42;  // Static and final
    public volatile boolean running = true;  // Volatile variable
    public synchronized void showDetails() {  // Synchronized method
        // method body
    public abstract class Animal {  // Abstract class
        public abstract void makeSound();  // Abstract method

Best Practices

  • Use Private Access by Default: Start with private access for fields and methods, and open up access as necessary.
  • Final for Constants: Use the final modifier for defined constants to enhance security and design intent.
  • Static for Utility Methods: Use static methods for operations that do not depend on instance data.
  • Careful with Volatile: Ensure you fully understand the implications of the volatile modifier before using it, as it pertains to thread safety and performance.


Understanding and correctly using modifiers in Java is essential for structuring robust, secure, and well-organized code. By mastering both access and non-access modifiers, developers can control how their classes, methods, and fields are accessed and used, ensuring that they adhere to the principles of encapsulation and polymorphism effectively.